Sunday, January 6, 2013


Why some people choose at the start of each new year to 'give up' arguably some of the most enjoyable things in life - chocolate, carbs, wine, regularly spending far too much money on beautifully soft men's t-shirts - I will never understand. Unsustainable and clearly unenjoyable, trying (and in my case, failing) to maintain an essentially joyless existence sans-vin seems counter-intuitive to me. That's why each year, with a quiet, personal pledge, I disregard the 'I will go to the gym every day's and the 'I will only eat one square of chocolate every full moon's and instead focus on a few smaller, less intrusive and more positive goals. Like doing the things I want to do, when I want to do them, and not confining them to my ever-growing To-Do list. One thing in particular that has been skulking around the bottom of that list for a while is starting a blog. So here we go. 
Oh, that and flossing.

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